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why does gen z hate uppercase letters?

lower case letters are superior :)


ahhhh good ol' gen z

the generation of the current tweens, teens, and those in their early twenties, ranging from individuals born in 1995 to 2015 are the majority of today's population.

there are nearly 74 million of us in the United States alone.

and if you haven't noticed by now, lowercase letters and incorrect grammar has been trending for the past year as gen z takes over social media. from youtube to twitter to tik tok, the "superior" generation (as we like to refer to ourselves as) has collectively decided that uppercase letters are simply cancelled.

so to all the boomers who are confused as to why we don't like the monstrosity of uppercase letters, myself, a proud member of gen z is going to help break it down based off of my understanding and limited knowledge lol.


without further adieu . . . this is why gen z refuses to use upper case letters


1. it's aesthetically pleasing

many content creators and influencers, such as Hannah Meloche, Ellie Thumann, and Haley Pham, choose to make their titles to their videos in all lowercase letters for a more casual aesthetic.

it appeals to a more "put together look" and has an indie sort of vibe to it, making their thumbnails to their videos more engaging to the younger audience.

minimalism has been trending and less stressful to see a thumbnail of simple words and minute colors opposed one being bright and loud, which makes viewers more inclined to click on the video.

2. makes us appear more chill

as i stated above, lowercase letters appear less stressful to the youth. so by turning off the auto-correct on our phones gives us a cooler illusion when texting your friends or crush.

whenever someone texts you in all caps it is usually an emergency and gives of chaotic energy. and to be quite honest, it's fricken annoying.

so just chill out bro.

3. politics

regarding the anti-capitalist movement of the 70's. see what gen z is hinting at?

there is a slight rebellious tone to the seclusion of only using lowercase letters. bell hooks, a famous feminist author throughout history went by a pen name with all lowercase letters to ignore the language that was created by a sexist and racist system.

read more about her here.

4. shows emotion

along with lowercase letters and incorrect grammar, generation z has a tendency to use numbers, commas, and other forms of punctuation as part of our humor and forms of communication.


we have evolved our use of emojis and we prefer to go the more "old school" route when it comes to expressing our, usually very sarcastic, emotions over text.


i guess those are all the reasons i could come up with.

but now you know why my blog is filled with incorrect grammar and wrongfully placed lowercase letters, it's because i'm ~trendy~ definitely NOT because i'm incompetent or insecure of how this blog would look if i actually tried to make it professional . . .

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